Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2012, CSBC Latest Notification
Posted by meenakshi in Bihar Police, Bihar Police Recruitment 2012, Constable Recruitment 2012, Latest Recruitment
Central Selection Board of Constable is generally known as "CSBC". The CSBC has recently started recruitment notification for year 2012. According to this notification CSBC required total seven thousand six hundred six Constables for Bihar police in massively places. It is a greatest opportunity for the Indian peoples; who want to join the Central Selection Board of Constable. Interested candidates can get the advertisement through CSBC’s official website "". Continue below for read more…
No. of Vacancies and Pay Scale with Grade: -
In the Bihar Police have required seven thousand six hundred six (7606) constables for various districts. Bihar State has decided the pay scale for constable position is Rs.5200/- to Rs.20200/- with grade pay of Rs.1900/-.
Eligibility Criteria: -
For the constable position, candidates must be metric pass
Male applicants must have a height of 165 cm and 81 cm chest
Female applicants must have a height of 155 cm
Age Limit as on 01 January, 2012: -
Candidates who want to fill the recruitment of Constable in Central Selection Board of Constable should be the ages between eighteen (18) years to twenty eight (28) years. (Age relaxations will be extended as per Government rules).
Selection Process: -
For the Bihar Police constable post, candidates will select after the basis of performance in examination and physical fitness test.
How to apply: -
The application form is available at post offices of Bihar State. Application form fee Rs.200 for GEN/BC/OBC candidates and Rs.75 for SC/ST candidates. After the fulfill application form, send to the following address by registered or speed post. The application submission last date is 10/7/2012.
More Information: -
Candidates can download the advertisement through this link for more information about Bihar Police 7606 Constable Recruitment 2012.

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